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Admissions Process
当你进入赌博排行前十网站大厅时,你会受到欢迎并被护送到评估室. 我们将要求您完成一些类似于医生办公室访问的文书工作. 入学顾问将与您会面,并解释评估和录取过程, 财务顾问会向你解释你的福利以及它们如何符合我们的计划.
At this time, we will complete a full psychosocial assessment, 回顾现有的项目,并建议在赌博排行前十网站或我们的医院进行适当的治疗 intensive outpatient program. If you need treatment we do not provide, 我们会在您方便的时候提供社区资源供您跟进.
一旦你签署了入院文件,辅导员会检查哪些物品是允许进入病房的,然后和我们的护士一起护送你去你的治疗病房. 病人将在入院后24小时内由精神科医生和内科医生诊治.
Please bring:
- Form of state or federally issued ID
- Insurance card
- Emergency contact information
- List of current prescription medications
- List of important phone numbers
- 医疗授权书或监护文件,如果需要的话
- Legal documents proving legal guardianship for a minor
The Joint Commission is an independent, 认证全美医疗保健机构和项目的非营利组织.S. 他们的印章是一个组织承诺达到一定标准的质量的象征.
赌博排行前十网站获得了联合委员会的金章认可, which speaks to our dedication to ongoing quality care, patient safety, and best practices.
What to Bring
你的舒适和安全是最重要的,当你打包住院. 请记住,下面的列表是根据心理健康和医院规定的指导方针创建的. We offer laundry facilities so no need to overpack. We also have a storage area for your suitcase and valuables.
- 把你的衣服限制在一周内你需要的范围内. Casual clothing is recommended.
- Three to four changes of casual clothing without drawstrings. 例如,休闲裤或牛仔裤,休闲衬衫,或舒适的休闲连衣裙. 请注意,不允许使用冒犯性或不恰当的标识. Laundry access is available with laundry detergent.
- 能维持三到四天的袜子和内衣. Please do not bring tube socks or leggings.
- Bring one pair of comfortable shoes without shoelaces.
- A sweater or light jacket, without drawstrings.
- 洗漱用品:梳子、刷子、除臭剂、牙刷、牙膏和充电式电动剃须刀. We provide toiletries, if needed. (No glass or aluminum containers, no mirrors, no alcohol content in any products, and no hair dryers or flat / curling irons.)
- 药物:请带上你所有的药物,并提供你目前的处方药和非处方药的清单, including dosages and frequency. CBH will provide medications on our formulary only. 这可能不包括为某些医疗条件规定的药物.
- Phone Numbers: Bring a list of important phone numbers, 因为你在治疗期间不能立即使用手机.
- Please leave these items at home:
- Please do not bring jewelry, money or other valuables. Wedding rings are appropriate.
- Any clothing with drawstrings is prohibited: sweatpants, running shorts, hoodies, pajamas, shoes with laces, paracord jewelry or watches, etc. Belts are also not allowed on pants.
- Electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, laptop computers, radios, cell phones, alarm clocks or other items with a cord.
- Your own pillow, sheets, blanket or stuffed animal. 我们将为您提供住宿期间所需的所有床单和枕头.
- Food and drinks from outside of the hospital. You will be provided with regular meals and snacks. Any special dietary needs can be discussed with our dietician.
- 所有患者的物品将由合格的工作人员检查,并记录在患者财产清单上. 这张物品清单将与患者一起审阅,患者需要在这张表上签字. Hendricks Behavioral Hospital is not responsible for lost, 表中“病人保留物品”一栏所列的被盗或损坏物品.
Patient ID
Every patient is protected under the HIPAA (健康保险流通与责任法案)要求我们对病人的身份保密的法律.
患者在入院时将获得一个唯一的身份证号. 他们将有机会向他们选择的任何人提供他们的患者身份证号码. 如果你还没有收到这个号码,请给病人留言,如果他们住进了医院, 我们的工作人员会告诉病人你正在联系他们. 如果没有患者身份证,接待员将无法确认患者是否入住医院, 但是如果你留言,而你想联系的人在医院,留言就会被送达. If the patient does not want to provide their ID, this is their right and the phone call may not be returned.
We strive to include friends, family and referral sources in the care of our patients, 但我们尊重每位患者的隐私并遵守HIPAA法律.
如果你是一个转诊专业人士试图联系你的病人, 请与我们联系,并要求我们的社区联络员提供帮助.
Family & Friends
这对个人来说很难,对家人和朋友来说也很难知道该怎么做. HBH将帮助和支持你帮助他们度过难关. We have clinical options and many community resources.
正如你可以在下面读到的,一旦病人进入我们的项目,我们就会帮助他们. Call us. 我们将指导您完成所有步骤,不仅为您提供支持,而且为患者提供所需的护理.
How to Pay
赌博排行前十网站接受大多数商业保险, managed Medicaid and Medicare plans, Medicaid for patients under 21, Medicare and TRICARE®.
To speak with a financial counselor, please call (844) 991-9900 and ask for the business office.
Hendricks Behavioral非常自豪地知道我们为患者提供了有效的治疗,他们在HBH的时间是有意义的.
The staff is genuinely nice. 他们努力适应所有病人和他们的个人需求. I would highly recommend this treatment for anyone struggling.
Their groups are informational. They accomplished my needs. The staff are laid back and funny. They talk to you like a human being. It has great food and the unit is spacious.
The nurse practitioner is excellent. She made time for me when I needed her. She was patient and understanding. She took my feelings and wishes into consideration.